Why SMS Mobile Marketing Is Here To Stay


The secret is out, and has been for awhile now; SMS mobile marketing is here to stay. If you haven’t heard of SMS mobile marketing, or have heard of it but don’t know anything about it, then you must have been living under a rock lately. If we were to say that the SMS text message market is growing at an astounding rate, we still feel we would be making an understatement. The fact is that SMS mobile marketing is EXPLODING, and it is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The most important thing to gather from this article is that SMS is not just a flash in the pan type thing, statistics and analytics have shown that SMS marketing has, and will continue to thrive in the coming years. So if you’re not marketing at all using SMS mobile marketing, you better start before all the companies who are already using it pass you up and leave you in the dust. Don’t believe us? Let us prove it.

Consider this; 83% of all U.S. adults own a mobile phone, a third of them prefer text messages over phone calls, and 95% of all text messages are opened within 4 minutes of arrival. However, marketing emails are only responded to 6% of the time, ever. This means a shocking majority, or 94%, of all the marketing emails you are sending are not being read at all. It’s obvious that SMS marketing has a higher response rate than email. In fact, almost 50% of all marketing text messages are not just read, but responded to. Statistics also show that the demand for SMS short codes, MMS, and instant messaging is constantly growing. It’s also important to remember that about half of the U.S. population has smartphones right now, so that means half of them don’t. So if you’re using a mobile marketing campaign that only targets people who use smartphones, you are only reaching half of the population. Using SMS mobile marketing, which simply sends texts that can be received by any mobile phone, means you will be reaching at least 83% of the population, rather than just half. The numbers don’t lie, with SMS mobile marketing, you cannot lose! 

Now the numbers we mentioned deal with just people who own mobile phones. The 13% of people who don’t own mobile phones is very small, but you can still reach them using SMS mobile marketing. How? Think about this; every person you text has an inner circle of friends, family members, and significant others. This means when you text someone and they like what they’ve received, they can easily share your information with their thousands of Facebook friends, hundreds of Twitter followers, and dozens of Pinterest followers. You also can never underestimate the power of word of mouth. Now, with just one text, you’ve reached all these people, while spending pennies for your advertising. Compare that to the thousands of dollars you could’ve spent on advertising in magazines or newspapers, or the tens of thousands you could’ve spent advertising on television or radio, and it’s clear that SMS marketing is the cheapest and most effective way to reach the people you want to reach. And since SMS marketing is an opt-in service, that means the subscribers you are getting are people who want to hear what you have to say and what you have to offer. Can you honestly think of anything a marketer dreams of more than thousands of people who are listening to them with open ears? Well SMS marketing does this exact thing!

This point cannot be made more clear; there has not been a better time to get you and your company started on an SMS mobile marketing campaign. The numbers show it, the results show it, the returns on investments show it, and several companies who have already incorporated SMS mobile marketing into their marketing strategy can vouch for SMS’ unparalleled success and efficiency. The best part of all of this?

It’s EASY!

2 replies
  1. ciara
    ciara says:

    SMS marketing is popular and most of the people use it because it is really a very good way to reach at customers in very short time. There are many kinds of SMS applications make it more flexible and reliable. It is an economical way to deliver your product and services so, everyone is using them and in the future it will remain in popularity.


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