3 Simple Strategies to Fix Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

If you are a marketing or advertising company, then you probably spend a lot of time trying to answer this question; how can we increase sales? However, if you’ve never asked yourself that question, odds are your company is probably a fossilized after-thought, struggling to out run the giant meteor of extinction. Regardless, for those […]

SMS Marketing Best Practices 2013

Let’s face it. As a society, we have become immersed in the simplicities that technology has graced us with, and we’re completely okay with that. Who isn’t opposed to simple? Take communication for example. Nowadays, when you’re looking to quickly get in touch with someone, typically a text message, or SMS, is the method of […]

FCC Laws Regarding SMS Marketing To Change ***Important***

Effective October 16, 2013 the Federal Communications Commision (FCC) is amending the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) Act of 1991 REQUIRING expressed WRITTEN permission to send “commercial” or “marketing” messages to a mobile phone subscriber. SMS notifications and alerts or links to web content are excluded. This new requirement applies to advertising or promotional messages […]